It’s Only For Today

It’s Only For Today

I swore it would never be me.  My son would never, ever, never wear jeans that had been busted at the knee.  Nevertheless, I have come to the realization that ripped jeans are sort of a rite of passage for little boys.  They have played with their little trucks and slid around on the ground and been so successful at being a little boy that they have worn through the knees of their pants.  All things considered, I have attempted to convince myself that these jeans hold a characteristic akin to rocker jeans.  Thus, they are cool enough to be worn on weekends or on various days to daycare with an appropriate informal t-shirt.  I realize that the thought given to something so menial as ripped jeans does make me a little outrageous. 

Last weekend, we were heading out for some errands, and I was getting the boys dressed.  It had been a busy couple of days and the only jeans clean for my little man were his “rocker” jeans.  It was with mild hesitation that I took them out, justified their appropriateness for our day, and began to help him get dressed.  (I should quickly mention that the little turkey is a carbon copy of his momma.  So…)  I was only moderately surprised when he said with a gasp, “Momma!  My jeans are broken!”  Almost reconsidering, but remembering it was our only option, I reassured him, “Oh buddy, it’s only for today.” 

We were running around getting our things together when he found his caterpillar hat that he recently made at school.  Neon green construction paper with bright yellow pipe cleaner antennae– It’s a gem.  I actually think it’s the cutest, but would  prefer him not to wear it out in all public places.  He grabbed it and insisted that it would make the perfect completion to his outfit.  When I told him no, he retorted in the sweetest way, “But Momma, it’s only for today.”

Their eyes are always watching.  They are ever learning from our actions.  May we be constantly mindful of the lessons we are teaching them.  After all, the time we have with them in the end may seem as if it’s only for a day… 


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