Believing in Beauty

Believing in Beauty

Several years ago, there was a huge movement about figuring out your “love language.”  Apparently, there are five (words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch).  And apparently, you operate best when love is spoken to you in one of those languages.

After much self-evaluation, I have come to a frightening conclusion… I need them all.

Poor sweet husband.

Realizing that this this is slightly ridiculous and somewhat high-maintenance, I sat down again to really, REALLY consider which one was most necessary to me.  It was glaringly obvious that I need, absolutely need, words of affirmation.

Confession.  I am such an insecure, awkward mess.  I can stand in front of a crowd of hundreds, thousands preferably, and be perfectly content.  But put me in a position that I have to mingle or speak to only a few people, and I may have an all out break down.  I’m not even playing.  Can. Not. Deal.

So to combat this insecurity, please lavish me in fantastic compliments all day long.  Tell me I’m pretty and you like my shoes and my eye shadow looks particularly fabulous today.  I mean, who doesn’t want to be told sweet things, right?

But let’s look at the painfully obvious.  What was on that list of things I want to be told?  Outward things.  Physical things.  Things that really have nothing to do with ME at all.  The other day, someone told me I was “really smart.”  I was slightly offended.  Why?  Because we have been trained, drilled, brainwashed into thinking that what is beautiful is what is on the outside.  Sure there’s that whole beauty is only skin deep thing… but who really, truly lives by that?  Ask someone what is beautiful, and I promise inward things won’t be the first things listed.

My heart has been so burdened about this lately.  So can we start a movement?  Some sort of revolution, maybe?  Today, take a moment to recognize the beauty that exists within.  Not only in yourself, but look for it in others.  Find things to appreciate about people that have nothing to do with something so temporary or fleeting as outward beauty.  Appreciate the beauty of the soul.  Strive to let the beauty of your passion and your hearts resonate above all else.

Be beautiful.  Be you…


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